We Build Value: the digital magazine created by Salini Impregilo


Climate change puts Europe’s infrastructure at risk

From now up to 2050 European countries will need to spend €19.6 billion to protect infrastructure from climate change


Climate change puts Europe’s infrastructure at risk

From now up to 2050 European countries will need to spend €19.6 billion to protect infrastructure from climate change


African Free Trade: Growth, Prosperity and the infrastructure challenge

African leaders agree to lower barriers to spur economic growth


Building a new Chicago

Building sites, large infrastructure works and the ambition to become a city of the future


Could wooden skyscrapers be the buildings of the future?

Wood is being rediscovered as a material to replace steel and concrete in the construction of high-rises


Wood for Skyscrapers of the Future

Wood is being rediscovered as a material to replace steel and concrete in the construction of high-rises


“Imagine Boston 2030”: investment and jobs

Infrastructure renewal and attracting new talent to support the city’s economic growth


The wind power island that will produce 30 GW of electricity

The project aims to build a wind farm island in the middle of the North Sea


San Francisco’s New Skyline

Skyscrapers, urban development and public transport projects to bring the city into the future