We Build Value: the digital magazine created by Salini Impregilo


Mega Trends in the Transport Sector

The global transport sector faces four mega trends in the coming decades


Atlanta Airport Power Outage: thousands of passengers paralyzed

The blackout sounds an alarm for the need for immediate investment in US airports


When architecture meets art

Exclusive Interview with Stefano Boeri


World famous soccer stadiums seen as works of art

Design and technology side by side in super stadiums


Italy on the New Silk Road

A new train route between Europe and China


EIB Report 2017: EU Must Invest More in Infrastructure

The EU’s bank says public investment in infrastructure is needed to keep the economy growing


White House mulls first gas tax hike in decades

A tax hike to replenish the Highway Trust Fund’s depleted resources


Infographics dedicated to Pearl River Delta

The Pearl River Delta has won recognition by the World Bank as the largest urban area – or megacity - in the world: 60 million residents and 56,000 square kilometres.


The construction of the Istanbul Canal: the next Turkish megaproject

Turkish President Erdoğan has announced the start of the canal’s construction by the end of 2017, early 2018