We Build Value: the digital magazine created by Salini Impregilo


A battery to distribute energy only when needed: the green solution launched by Australia

The system stores excess energy during periods of low demand to release it when demand increases


Texas said yes: a referendum to protect its water infrastructure

The state approves a constitutional amendment to establish a $1 billion stable public fund


The 10 tallest skyscrapers in Europe


The Helix Bridge, the story of the bridge inspired by the DNA spiral


“Cantiere Lavoro Italia”: the training program for working in large infrastructure works

The Webuild Group launches a maxi-project to immediately enter the Group’s construction sites


Roboplant: the automated and green factory producing tunnel segments

Webuild inaugurates in Sicily a robotic 4.0 plant that produces segments used in the construction of tunnels


Australia boosts infrastructure to protect its greatest water basin

All the projects to protect that million square kilometers of waters in the Murray-Darling Basin.


High-Speed Rail: The Trains That Will Change the USA

Billions of dollars in impact and pollution reduction: Here are the benefits of high-speed trains


Brisbane readies for sustainable Olympic games

The capital of Queensland is focusing on urban redevelopment and sustainable mobility to prepare for the 2032 Games