We Build Value: the digital magazine created by Salini Impregilo


Europe launches its Marshall plan for Africa

The European Union bets on Africa: 150 billion euros for the continent's development


The World’s Ten Longest Road Tunnels


From the sea to the glass, our commitment for water

Giorgio Pratofiorito, a Fisia Italimpianti research and development engineer


Florida’s push, where building is essential

Florida: the big players like Lane at work to renovate the state


Singapore: one of the world’s top smart cities

Artificial intelligence and sustainable transport: Singapore renews its title as one of the world’s top “smart cities”


Work begins on Genoa’s breakwater pier opening the way for the largest ships

The infrastructure will allow the largest container ships access to Genoa’s port. The new pier will generate an economic benefit of 4.2 billion euros


The Mediterranean ports, magnet of global trade

From Asian ports to the Mediterranean, great ships are heading to Genoa


Megacities: definition, urbanistic growth and new infrastructures

Here is what a megacity is and what are the largest cities in the world, which will face the challenge of a new urbanization