We Build Value: the digital magazine created by Salini Impregilo


Innovation and sustainability along Norway’s fjords

Bridges, tunnels and viaducts: works in progress to build the highways of the future


Women in STEM: construction sites embrace innovation and the fight against bias

Ileana Stigliani: “Women with successful careers in science and engineering can be role models for the next generation”


United States: key players in the construction industry vie for top talents

The sector kicks back into gear, with companies on the hunt for young specialists


The Hyperloop Train: Projects, from Dubai to Italy


USA: Civil infrastructure at the service of the Department of Defense

From the Panama Canal to Interstate I-14, infrastructure that meets both military and civilian needs military infrastructure


The Trans-Iranian Railway Joins UNESCO’s List of World Heritage Sites

Nearly a century after it came into service, the railway joins UNESCO’s coveted list


Green Building: What It Is, Basic Principles and its Applications in the Construction Sector


Genoa and Liguria: a look at PNRR projects

From the Terzo Valico stretch of high speed railway and tunnel, to the doubling of the Genoa-Ventimiglia rail link, major infrastructure projects are set to change the face of the region.


Genoa, the G20 for infrastructure

Genoa will host two G20 meetings on infrastructure on September 27 and 28