We Build Value: the digital magazine created by Salini Impregilo


Hydroeletric plants in Italy: which is the largest?

Renewable energy sources are an important target for Italy too


Paris: when infrastructure meets art

Art, culture and entertainment to transform the Grand Paris Express into a monument of the future Paris


The high-speed line running under Oslo

A construction mega-project for a high-speed line in the Norwegian capital will be completed by 2022


Facing the problem of water scarcity

Risks and remedies for a world facing water scarcity


The Jeddah Tower: Saudi Arabia aims for the sky

The Tower is to soar one kilometre into the sky, surpassing the Burj Khalifa


Construction and building materials: an amazing, ever-evolving story


25 de Abril Bridge in Lisbon: A Homage to Democracy


Copenhagen: an old port transformed into a sustainable neighborhood

The story of Nordhavn, an old city port and cornerstone of a radical urban renewal project


The old river of Buenos Aires comes back to life

Beneath the Rio De La Plata, a tunnel that cleans water for 4.3 million people