We Build Value: the digital magazine created by Salini Impregilo


Eastern Europe must chose infrastructure investment to fight the crisis

The region should invest over €1 trillion in infrastructure over the next ten years to help it recover from the pandemic


The 5,000 companies working to create a more sustainable Italy

A look at the supply chain working at five major worksites led by Webuild Group


From Salini to Webuild, twenty years of major projects

A 114-year-long history which, in the last two decades, has undergone a profound acceleration.


From Salini to Webuild, 20 years of major work


New York City: major infrastructure works waiting for a Covid-19 recovery

After stalling in 2020, the city’s construction sector looks forward to getting re-started in the next two years


Future Megacities of the world: discover the 6 new entries

The world’s megacities will number 39 in 2030, and will produce 15% of the world’s GDP


Infographics dedicated to the Future Megacities

The number of megacities is expected to grow from 33 to 39 by 2030, becoming home to 9% of the population and producing 15% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP).


The Shard: height and interesting facts about London’s skyscraper

The Shard is unmistakable: this is how London’s pyramidal skyscraper came about