Global Economy and Sustainability

Sustainable development strategies and global investments

Global Economy and Sustainability

Sustainable development strategies and global investments


Sustainability and work: the people behind large-scale infrastructures

Inclusivity, training and innovation in the major Webuild construction sites around the world


Sustainable construction sites for large-scale works of the future

Innovation at the service of sustainability on the Webuild Group’s worksites


The sustainable road to rebuilding the future

The role of sustainable infrastructure in rebuilding post-Covid: $6.9 trillion (€5.6 trillion) by 2030


France: $118 billion to leave Covid-19 behind

The French government-approved Plan de Relance focuses on investments and simplification


A container worth $150 billion

The Ever Given crisis highlights the strategic role of the Panama and Suez Canals


The Scandinavian peninsula’s great leap into the future

Bridges, highways and tunnels: Sweden and Norway preparing for major infrastructure works


Infrastructure: South Africa’s plan for emerging stronger after Covid-19

South Africa is investing $133 billion (€110 billion) in infrastructure to help rebuild its economy.


American infrastructure: the major projects that await Joe Biden

All the essential investments to boost America’s infrastructure network


City waterfront pushes Toronto forward

Progress continues on new Toronto Waterfront, one of the most ambitious projects in North America