Global Economy and Sustainability

Sustainable development strategies and global investments

Global Economy and Sustainability

Sustainable development strategies and global investments


Australia picks a “green infrastructure” path for its future

Australia invests in infrastructure to mitigate the effects of a climate gone mad


The infrastructure that could save Latin America

After the inauguration of the new Panama Canal, South America needs to resume its infrastructure spending again


Infrastructure investment: the Asian development banks get out their bazookas

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Asian Development Bank unveil billions of dollars in lending programmes to cope with Covid-19


OECD: investments to cure the economy from coronavirus

Infrastructure investments are one of the ways to get the economy going again once the Covid-19 crisis is over


Covid-19: infrastructure spending to get the U.S. economy running again

U.S. President Donald Trump has proposed an infrastructure spending plan of $2 trillion to cope with the economic fallout of the Covid-19 virus


China: $3.6 trillion to get started again

A massive infrastructure investment plan to recover from the coronavirus crisis

A massive infrastructure investment plan to recover from the coronavirus crisis


Lessening the impact of climate change with better water management: the role of infrastructure

World Water Day 2020: water can help guarantee a more sustainable future


UK: Healing the economy in times of coronavirus

The government has announced plans to spend $825 billion on developing the country’s infrastructure


Coronavirus: investments and health protection to overcome the emergency

Safety measures have been increased and so has protection for workers. New investments may be next