Global Economy and Sustainability

Sustainable development strategies and global investments

Global Economy and Sustainability

Sustainable development strategies and global investments


The wind power island that will produce 30 GW of electricity

The project aims to build a wind farm island in the middle of the North Sea


Moscow and its technological Mayor

The city deploys the latest technology to improve quality of life


Cape Town’s serious Water Crisis before Day Zero

Cape Town set to be world’s first big city without water


The “green” buildings of Perth

Environmentally sustainable buildings and innovative construction techniques in Western Australia’s capital


China’s renewable energy challange: projects and businesses

Today China is the world’s largest producer of electric energy from renewable sources


Chile takes on challenge of protecting its water resources

Chile is a world leader in urban wastewater treatment


EIB Report 2017: EU Must Invest More in Infrastructure

The EU’s bank says public investment in infrastructure is needed to keep the economy growing


Floating Solar Panels in London for Potable Water

Europe’s biggest floating solar farm helps supply potable water to millions of London residents


The Strength of Developing Economies

A World Bank report outlines economic forecasts for the coming years