Global Economy and Sustainability

Sustainable development strategies and global investments

Global Economy and Sustainability

Sustainable development strategies and global investments


COP26 Glasgow, the global plan to defend the planet

Glasgow’s Cop26 tackles sustainable infrastructure to mitigate climate change


Beautiful and sustainable wooden skyscrapers

The Scandinavian Peninsula plays host to some of the world’s tallest wooden skyscrapers


Qatar: big-ticket infrastructure beyond the World Cup

Qatar is investing $300 billion (€257 billion) in infrastructure development


United States: key players in the construction industry vie for top talents

The sector kicks back into gear, with companies on the hunt for young specialists


Genoa, the G20 for infrastructure

Genoa will host two G20 meetings on infrastructure on September 27 and 28


Brisbane 2032: the Olympic Games return to Australia

Infrastructure and sustainability: Queensland’s capital starts to get ready for the 2032 Summer Olympics


Los Angeles approves LA100: city utility to go 100% green by 2035

The Los Angeles City Council approved plans for the energy transition of the metropolis.


Atlanta seeks to make its infrastructure more sustainable

Georgia’s capital aims to become one of America’s most sustainable cities


Oslo: the trailblazing capital of “green” construction sites

The world’s first carbon-neutral construction site in the Norwegian capital