
Infographic dedicated to Favazzina Viaduct

The Favazzina Viaduct is one of the most complex engineering works on the Salerno-Reggio Calabria motorway, as it floats across the valley at a height of 150 metres (492 feet).


Infographics dedicated to Hong-Kong infrastructure projects

The government intend to spend around $25 billion for four new infrastructure projects considered as strategic to modernise the city.


Infographics dedicated to the U.S. Megacities

The ”Construction Mega Cities” index by GlobalData calculates the value of new projects launched city by city. After London and Dubai, the third place is held by New York City.


Infographics dedicated to Los Angeles

Los Angeles stretches 47 kilometres from east to west and 71 kilometres from north to south. The greater Los Angeles area boasts a population of 18 million, the second-busiest airport in the United St...


Infographics dedicated to Pearl River Delta

The Pearl River Delta has won recognition by the World Bank as the largest urban area – or megacity - in the world: 60 million residents and 56,000 square kilometres.


Infographics dedicated to Water Scarcity

According to the United Nations, one of the causes of water scarcity in the world is linked to the quantity of water that is lost during its use, both in homes, as in industry and agricolture.


Infographics dedicated to Trans-African Highway

Launched in 1971 by UNECA, Trans-African Highway is actually a network of nine highways whose envisioned connections among one another would cover a combined total of 60,000 kilometres across the cont...


Infographics dedicated to the container ports

The heart of the global maritime trade is rapresented by ports, these giant facilities and logistical centres capable of responding to the trend towards gigantism among shipbuilders and to the growth ...