Infrastructure related news from Italy and the rest of the world

Points of interest in the world of infrastructure, a look at major projects from the past and a ranking of current projects

Infrastructure related news from Italy and the rest of the world

Points of interest in the world of infrastructure, a look at major projects from the past and a ranking of current projects


Sustainable city: meaning and features

The concept of a sustainable city is very broad and complex: here’s an in-depth examination


The Sydney Opera House: history and interesting facts

Iconic and original, the Sydney Opera House has a long history and unique features.


Rockefeller Center: the history and specifications of a New York icon

A unique building complex in the heart of Manhattan, a "city within a city".


The first Italian railway: the history of the Naples-Portici line

Built in the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, it launched the Italian railway industry.


The 10 most famous and unique skyscrapers in London

Steel, glass, futuristic shapes and ways of saving energy: a look at the most iconic skyscrapers of the English capital.


History of the Suez Canal: a disputed strategic enterprise

A project with ancient origins, implemented in the twentieth century, that played a key role in the history of recent centuries.


Burj Khalifa: the skyscraper that soars above the Arabian Desert

A tapered skyscraper among the dunes of the Arabian Gulf, Burj Khalifa is an astonishing work of engineering.


What is the biggest stadium in the world? The ranking by capacity

From North Korea to the United States, these are the largest stadiums in the world