Inside infrastructure

Public works and their secrets

Inside infrastructure

Public works and their secrets


Thailand development plan: Eastern Economic Corridor

Thailand aims to become an economic hub for the region


Dam in Puerto Rico bursts in wake of Hurricane Maria

People are evacuating towns downstream from the dam for fear of flooding


New York: new investments for Infrastructure

New York plans to spend more than any other state during the next five years


The Trans-Siberian Railway: Last Stop, Tokyo

A revived project would extend the historic Trans-Siberian Railway to Tokyo


New York Jumps Aboard the Second Avenue Subway

The east side of Manhattan gets a new line


Technology and Productivity

Innovation increases productivity in the construction industry


Big Cities Respond: The Case of London and Paris

The Crossrail will meet London’s needs just like the Grand Paris Express for Paris


The Channel Tunnel (Eurotunnel): the construction of a strategic infrastructure

The Channel Tunnel is seen as one of the world’s seven engineering wonders


A renewed pledge to revive the Silk Road

China commits more than 800 billion yuan in extra funds to revive the Silk Road