Inside infrastructure

Public works and their secrets

Inside infrastructure

Public works and their secrets


Aiming high: Saudi Arabia’s tallest skyscrapers

In Jeddah the construction of what will become the world's tallest skyscraper is underway. Currently, the tallest skyscraper in Saudi Arabia is the Clock Tower, which exceeds 600 meters


US high speed trains accelerate with the “Messi train”

From Florida, where the Argentine champion plays, to Texas, America is once again dreaming of fast trains.


Italian Innovations that Make the Çanakkale Bridge Great

The deck of the Turkish record-breaking bridge was constructed following a model designed for the Messina Bridge.


Glen Canyon Dam, a giant on the Colorado River

Inaugurated in 1966, the grand dam continues to manage the waters of the mighty American river.


From London to Paris, all subways records

A strategical investment for the sustainability of international megacities


Phoenix running out of water and America finds it is fragile

Water scarcity in the city of Phoenix reopens the debate on the necessary investments in American infrastructure


Punta Gorda: Embracing the RV Lifestyle in Florida

New roads and investments in mobility to sustain the demand from traveling homes


Manhattan Bridge’s secrets (and not only)

The third bridge over the East River by now is an iconic example of the evolution of engineering techniques


1,000 feet, the new goal of Texan skyscrapers

The skyscrapers present and past transforming the Dallas skyline into a national symbol