Megatrends and Innovations

The future of world’s infrastracture: trends and technology that are changing our lives

Megatrends and Innovations

The future of world’s infrastracture: trends and technology that are changing our lives


The promise of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence promises enormous improvements to infrastructure project execution


The promise of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence promises enormous improvements to infrastructure project execution


The US and climate change: investments needed to protect infrastructure

Climate change puts a strain on US water resource management


The US and climate change: investments needed to protect infrastructure

Climate change puts a strain on US water resource management


Climate change puts Europe’s infrastructure at risk

From now up to 2050 European countries will need to spend €19.6 billion to protect infrastructure from climate change


Climate change puts Europe’s infrastructure at risk

From now up to 2050 European countries will need to spend €19.6 billion to protect infrastructure from climate change


Could wooden skyscrapers be the buildings of the future?

Wood is being rediscovered as a material to replace steel and concrete in the construction of high-rises


Wood for Skyscrapers of the Future

Wood is being rediscovered as a material to replace steel and concrete in the construction of high-rises


Mega Trends in the Transport Sector

The global transport sector faces four mega trends in the coming decades