We Build Value: the digital magazine created by Salini Impregilo


Indian Pacific Railway: The Australian Railway that is the World’s Second Longest


Melbourne-Brisbane Inland Rail: Australia’s super-railway for freight

A strategic link of 1,700 km that will connect three states


Great works: in western countries the positive trend continues

From the United States to Europe, investment plans are crucial to avoiding a crisis in the construction sector


On the road: a trip across America

From North to South, the 75,000 kilometres of roads that unite America


The city of fifteen minutes, this is the future of the megacities

An interview with Carlo Ratti, director of the MIT Senseable City Lab


Bidding farewell to Russian gas: the infrastructure challenge ahead

From ports to pipelines, Europe seeks out new infrastructure to break free from Russian gas


High-speed Italy will run on rail

Italian railways operator Ferrovie dello Stato will invest €190 billion in sustainable mobility over the next ten years


Lake Mead: drought empties lake and puts third intake into action

A new intake valve comes into service at Lake Mead as a historic drought puts water supplies at risk


Sydney is rolling out the red carpet for its new airport

Work is about to start on the M12, the freeway that will connect Sydney’s new airport with the city centre