
A look at the biggest infrastructure challenges and the latest news on the sector


A look at the biggest infrastructure challenges and the latest news on the sector


North Carolina, when infrastructure creates a hub for young talents and companies

The role of infrastructure in making the universities of the Triangle capable of attracting talents from across the United States.


Florida: Tampa’s sustainable infrastructure boom

For at least the past five years, the city has been one of the fastest-growing metropolitan areas in the U.S.


New Orleans Streetcars: a journey back in time

A trip on the green trolleys of the oldest streetcar line in the world


Stonehenge, the mysterious site at the center of the universe

Over a thousand years to build a unique archaeological work


Colorado: water is the new gold

The Colorado River is now in its 23rd year of drought. The drinking water of 40 million people is at risk.


New York makes a promise: subway stations will be accessible to all

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority will invest $5.2 billion to modernise and upgrade hundreds of the subway system’s stations


Australia’s Grand Pacific Drive, a highway suspended above the ocean

The Grand Pacific Drive runs between Sydney and Australia’s south, between cliffs and bridges suspended over the ocean


Panama: the record-breaking ‘new’ canal turns six years old

Six years after the new Panama Canal’s inauguration, it’s become an ever-more strategic infrastructure for global maritime trade


Melbourne-Brisbane Inland Rail: Australia’s super-railway for freight

A strategic link of 1,700 km that will connect three states