Stories behind Projects

The stories behind infrastructure built by Webuild

Stories behind Projects

The stories behind infrastructure built by Webuild


Genoa, en route to the site of the new breakwater

All the operations involved in the movement and placement of the third reinforced concrete mega-block on the foundation that will give rise to a unique structure


Southern Italy: Sicily accelerates the modernization of its railroads

New milestones reached for the high-capacity Palermo-Catania-Messina rail line: the work on the of the first double-track section of the Bicocca-Catenanuova line is completed


Wastewater treatment, the largest Italian project in recent years

The project, carried out by a consortium led by Fisia Italimpianti (Webuild Group) in the Vicenza area, will serve about 300,000 people.


A Walk Through the history in Milan’s M4 Stations

The medieval wall of the Cerchia dei Navigli has been repositioned at the De Amicis station in Milan


First of the Concrete Giants Laid at Sea for the New Sea Barrier in Genoa

Over 90 caissons will be laid for the construction of the new barrier.


High-speed Naples-Bari: the dig using hyperbaric pressure begins

The excavation will be carried out using compressed air to keep water out of the construction site


Iceland, the 100% green country thanks to its hydroelectric plants

The largest plant built in the country is the hydroelectric one in Kárahnjúkar, built by Webuild in 2009


The Metro Hangar at Naples Airport

Completion of the metal cover of the future Capodichino station.


From the classroom to the construction site: Thousands of Young People in School for Major Projects

Webuild opens classrooms for young people who will work on construction sites in the South.