Climate Change

Climate Change: consequences, effects and impact on infrastructure


Nearly 45% of the U.S. faces a drought risk

Fires and drought, a look at the U.S. states most at risk and what is being done


From Great Britain to the U.S., the world is in search of water

Countries are making infrastructure investments in dams and water resource management to fight drought


Climate change, it’s time to act


Climate Change: Now is the time to act

Interview with Luca Mercalli, president of the Italian Meteorological Society


Colorado: water is the new gold

The Colorado River is now in its 23rd year of drought. The drinking water of 40 million people is at risk.


COP26 Glasgow, the global plan to defend the planet

Glasgow’s Cop26 tackles sustainable infrastructure to mitigate climate change


Los Angeles approves LA100: city utility to go 100% green by 2035

The Los Angeles City Council approved plans for the energy transition of the metropolis.


Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development: UN Goals for the Infrastructure of the Future


Facing the problem of water scarcity

Risks and remedies for a world facing water scarcity