Development And Growth


The London Symphony Orchestra Seeks a New Home

Supporters have hired a U.S. Studio to design a Music Centre in the heart of London


Kuwait: Home to the World’s Longest Maritime Causeway

The country is set to open a causeway across its bay as it seeks to diversify its economy


Record investments: the Philippines are betting on infrastructure

Infrastructure is seen by the government as a strategic asset to overcome poverty and attract more investors


U.S. President Trump Calls on Congress to Agree on Infrastructure Investments

In his State of the Union Address, Trump says it is not an option but a necessity


United Kingdom: £600 billion of infrastructure projects

Infrastructure investment for the next 10 years to support economic growth


Flexible City Trial Runs

Melbourne, New York, Adelaide: pioneering ideas to prepare for the future


Fast train to holy sites

Saudi Arabia inaugurates a high-speed rail service linking Mecca and Medina


Saving America from water risk

The United States needs to invest $1 trillion in the next 25 years


The new Défense aims to to pick up London’s scepter

From skyscrapers to parks: this Paris district aims to become the EU’s finance hub