Development And Growth


Largest airports in Florida and their major investments in infrastructure

Investments and development for Florida’s airports .


Florida’s push, where building is essential

Florida: the big players like Lane at work to renovate the state


Megacities: definition, urbanistic growth and new infrastructures

Here is what a megacity is and what are the largest cities in the world, which will face the challenge of a new urbanization


Great southern projects: a Mediterranean infrastructure hub

From trains to subways, the great projects reviving the South


Webuild-Clough: great public works for Australia’s future

Webuild closes deal to acquire Clough assets


Rome bets on sustainability to meet the Universal Expo challenge.

Rome’s recipe for hosting Expo 2030: Billions of euros in public works and green energy.


Engineering marvel: record setting infrastructure for 2023

From dams to bridges to museums: the most spectacular works that will mark the new year


Taking a deep breath

The C-43 Project to Help Restore the Florida Everglades


Miami plans new infrastructure projects to cement its appeal as an art capital

Miami, from an infrastructure hub to a contemporary art capital