Development And Growth


Women in STEM: construction sites embrace innovation and the fight against bias

Ileana Stigliani: “Women with successful careers in science and engineering can be role models for the next generation”


Genoa and Liguria: a look at PNRR projects

From the Terzo Valico stretch of high speed railway and tunnel, to the doubling of the Genoa-Ventimiglia rail link, major infrastructure projects are set to change the face of the region.


Genoa, the G20 for infrastructure

Genoa will host two G20 meetings on infrastructure on September 27 and 28


Investing Italy’s Next Generation EU funds

An exclusive interview with Lorenzo Codogno, Visiting Professor in Practice at the European Institute of the London School of Economics


United States: bipartisan agreement revs up the infrastructure industry’s engines

A $1.2 trillion (€1 trillion) plan revives engineering companies: 82,000 jobs are expected to be created over six years


Italy: 16 billion to rebuild the health system

More than 85,000 hospital beds are found in at-risk structures: a look at the healthcare crisis in numbers


Construction in Europe: cities lead the way to recovery

Five European cities are ranked as the world’s most expensive places to build


A construction-driven global recovery

Cresme report: growth in added value of the construction sector seen surpassing global GDP


Young people and the Italian South: large-scale works to create employment

The Italian Recovery Plan could create work for thousands of young people in the South