

San Paolo Stadium: History and Interesting Facts about the Future Maradona Stadium of Naples


Southern Italy short on water: a crisis in the ‘Mezzogiorno’

The Recovery Plan response and the need for investment to secure and stabilise southern Italy’s water supply


France: $118 billion to leave Covid-19 behind

The French government-approved Plan de Relance focuses on investments and simplification


AlpTransit, the high-speed rail crossing the Alps

A train route passing through mountains reaching 2,200 meters high (7,218 feet) to connect northern and southern Europe


The Scandinavian peninsula’s great leap into the future

Bridges, highways and tunnels: Sweden and Norway preparing for major infrastructure works


Investments and fresh starts: the global post-Covid challenge

Exclusive interview with Marta Dassù, Senior Advisor for European Affairs of the Aspen Institute and publisher of Aspenia magazine


London: making a fresh start with the Elizabeth Line

As British capital struggles through Covid-19, it looks ahead to 2022 when its massive new subway line will open its doors.


Paris Metro construction work does not stop for Covid-19

From the Grand Paris Express to the city’s Metro lines, the future of transport is sustainable mobility


Europe’s subway” arrives in Sicilia

Nearly 200 companies are working alongside Webuild Group at the construction site for the high-capacity railroad link between Bicocca-Catenanuova in Sicily that will connect Palermo and Catania.