Global Investments


The world’s longest metro systems: the first 10

From Shanghai to Mexico City: when extending goes hand in hand with efficiency


Which is the biggest and the busiest airport in the world? Here is our ranking

Here is a list of the biggest airports in the world by size and passenger traffic.


Infrastructure: Europe’s chance to grow again

The infrastructure sector looks to Christine Lagarde, who will become ECB president in november, to re-launch investments


Big projects are driving Europe’s construction industry

Infrastructure works are keeping Europe’s construction industry afloat


2018: A record year for “supertall” skyscrapers

Last year, a record 18 buildings over 300 metres in height were completed


2018: A record year for “supertall” skyscrapers

Last year, a record 18 buildings over 300 metres in height were completed


China’s focus on infrastructure

The Chinese government has invested nearly $274 billion in large construction projects around the world in the past 15 years


2018: a private equity infrastructure boom

Investment funds have increased their infrastructure investments this year


JFK: big plans for New York City’s airport

By 2025, New York’s airport will be completely rebuilt