Green Transportation

Sustainable Mobility: what is it and why it’s so important


Cityringen: the new subway line delivered to the city

Work on Cityringen is complete


How subways will save the world

The world’s large cities are looking to sustainable mobility to reduce pollution and make them more livable


Chuo Shinkansen: Japan’s bet on the new Tokyo-Nagoya maglev line

The new Linear Chuo Shinkansen reaches speeds of 600 kph and will be up and running from 2027


Rail Loop, a mega-project for Melbourne’s mobility

The new subway line will run for 90 kilometres around the city


Bogotá ready to build its metro

Work on the city’s first metro line is set to begin in March 2020


Melbourne: A rail link between city and airport

A big infrastructure project for sustainable mobility


Milan’s Metro Line 4: the M4 will bring the city closer to the rest of Europe

The new metro line will connect Milan’s Linate airport to the city centre


Los Angeles: sustainable mobility to support the airport’s growth

A people mover and a light railway will finally connect the city to its airport


Tomorrow’s Paris is rising from the construction sites

Expectations for the new Grand Paris Express public transport system are already changing the face of the French capital