Hydraulic Risk

Hydraulic Risk: what is it and how we face it


Texas said yes: a referendum to protect its water infrastructure

The state approves a constitutional amendment to establish a $1 billion stable public fund


Australia boosts infrastructure to protect its greatest water basin

All the projects to protect that million square kilometers of waters in the Murray-Darling Basin.


Italy needs to invest 32 billion euros to prevent a water crisis

Today, 18% of Italy's GDP depends on water: the essential infrastructure for the country's well-being.


Over $7 billion to invest: America wants to protect its water

Dams, hydraulic tunnels, and hydroelectric plants are the targets of the new package of interventions approved by the government.


Desalinization: the plants quenching the thirst of millions of people

In the world today, there are approximately 16,000 active desalination plants, significant water infrastructure serving people.


The largest dams in the USA: the rankings


Italy needs to invest 32 billion euros to prevent a water crisis

Today, 18% of Italy's GDP depends on water: the essential infrastructure for the country's well-being.


The United States: Rebirth of the Potomac River

Major infrastructure projects to revitalize the waters of the Nation’s River and its tributaries.


Glen Canyon Dam, a giant on the Colorado River

Inaugurated in 1966, the grand dam continues to manage the waters of the mighty American river.