Hydraulic Risk

Hydraulic Risk: what is it and how we face it


Colorado: water is the new gold

The Colorado River is now in its 23rd year of drought. The drinking water of 40 million people is at risk.


Warragamba Dam, protecting Sydney from drought

Secrets of Warragamba Dam, the infrastructure that protects Sydney from drought


From the Everglades to the Mississippi, the U.S. is investing in environmental protection

The Army Corps of Engineers will manage $23 billion in projects aimed at protecting the environment


The United States invests $50 billion in cleaning up its water

U.S. Congress approves specifics of Biden’s water infrastructure redevelopment plan


Pure Water, water treatment for San Diego’s future

California’s second-largest city announces the largest infrastructure project in its history


A $50 billion (€42 billion) investment to protect water resources in the United States

The United States approves a major investment plan to overhaul water infrastructure


Water and roads for Florida, the Sunshine State calls for investments

From water infrastructure to road maintenance, Florida put to the test by major projects


Facing the problem of water scarcity

Risks and remedies for a world facing water scarcity


Southern Italy short on water: a crisis in the ‘Mezzogiorno’

The Recovery Plan response and the need for investment to secure and stabilise southern Italy’s water supply