Industry and Trade


The port of Darwin, a hub of international trade, is set to double


Innovation and technology for safety on construction sites

From the Rockefeller Center workers sitting on a beam to the new safety standards


Work begins on Genoa’s breakwater pier opening the way for the largest ships

The infrastructure will allow the largest container ships access to Genoa’s port. The new pier will generate an economic benefit of 4.2 billion euros


The Mediterranean ports, magnet of global trade

From Asian ports to the Mediterranean, great ships are heading to Genoa


Logistics and urban renewal, the new projects that are changing the way cities look

E-commerce and sustainable headquarters: how large companies are redesigning cities' skylines


The great infrastructures changing maritime trade

Ports, breakwaters and bridges: the infrastructures that open the way to the giants of the sea


Big Box: networks, infrastructures and development centered around logistics giants

The boom in distribution centers is revitalizing entire areas of the United States


Global LNG Trade

Europe’s new energy challenge: liquid natural gas infrastructure


Italy: seizing opportunities in the investment boom

Public investments in infrastructure have risen to a 20-year high, while challenges loom such as a possible skilled labor shortage and soaring prices for raw materials