Industry and Trade


Panama: the record-breaking ‘new’ canal turns six years old

Six years after the new Panama Canal’s inauguration, it’s become an ever-more strategic infrastructure for global maritime trade


Melbourne-Brisbane Inland Rail: Australia’s super-railway for freight

A strategic link of 1,700 km that will connect three states


Shanghai: a gridlock for raw materials

The return of Covid-19 slows down activity in the world’s largest port, but recovery is near


Green bonds and sustainability-linked bonds for sustainable infrastructure

From governments to corporations, the race to issue green bonds is unstoppable


United States: key players in the construction industry vie for top talents

The sector kicks back into gear, with companies on the hunt for young specialists


USA: Civil infrastructure at the service of the Department of Defense

From the Panama Canal to Interstate I-14, infrastructure that meets both military and civilian needs military infrastructure


Blockchain in the construction industry: applications for the digitalization of the sector


All the details of Biden’s plan

Transport infrastructure to receive the lion’s share of the U.S. government’s $2 trillion (€1.3 trillion) in national revitalisation investments


Sustainability and work: the people behind large-scale infrastructures

Inclusivity, training and innovation in the major Webuild construction sites around the world