North and South America


Trump calls on Congress to produce $1.5 trillion infrastructure bill

Trump raises the amount of money requested to invest in U.S. infrastructure


Water taps run dry in Atlantic City

The US city was left without water 12 times in a single day


Daytona 500: Paving the NASCAR Temple

Workers retell how they faced the daunting task of paving the NASCAR temple


Chile takes on challenge of protecting its water resources

Chile is a world leader in urban wastewater treatment


Canadian infrastructures: A Highway in the Arctic

Canada opens its first highway to the Arctic Ocean


Atlanta Airport Power Outage: thousands of passengers paralyzed

The blackout sounds an alarm for the need for immediate investment in US airports


White House mulls first gas tax hike in decades

A tax hike to replenish the Highway Trust Fund’s depleted resources


USA: debt financing in infrastructure for jobs and growth

A Congressional report examines the economic impact of infrastructure investment


Fort Wayne: A Tunnel for Cleaner Rivers

Fort Wayne invests in sustainability cleaning up its rivers