North and South America


The Men Who Built America

Vanderbilt, Morgan, Carnegie and Lehman: the men who helped build the United States


U.S. Rail Keeps Chugging Along

Investment in railway lines, subways and light rail networks is expected to reach $20.3 billion in 2017


U.S. Transport: Modest Funding for a Needy Sector

Roads, highways, bridges and tunnels: Expectations for the year


America’s Infrastructure Barely Makes the Grade

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has come out with its latest report card on the state of infrastructure in the United States


A Star for the Modern Age

From cover magazines to radio broadcasts, Toscanini brought orchestral music to the masses


The U.S. High-Speed Rail Plan: a revolution for 80% of the population

U.S. federal and state governments are investing in high-speed train travel


California: Dams in Emergency

California has 1,585 dams built between the 1950s and 1960s


Invest Now: The Call of U.S. Engineers

An Interview with Tom Smith


A Blueprint to Rebuild America’s infrastructure

A group of Democrat senators have presented a $1 trillion infrastructure plan