North and South America


New Jersey’s Newark airport is back on the scene

A $2.5 billion investment for the new terminal


US infrastructure spending starts 2023 with a bang

Projects, investments and inaugurations as the country gets going again


USA: $400 million to protect the Golden Gate bridge from earthquakes

New technologies to secure a strategic infrastructure and the lives of millions of people


Drought and floods, California’s eternal battle

Over 50 billion dollars are necessary to upgrade the state’s water system


Big Box: networks, infrastructures and development centered around logistics giants

The boom in distribution centers is revitalizing entire areas of the United States


Los Angeles makes on 2028 Olympics bet on sustainability

California’s megacity is betting on sustainable mobility to be ready to host the 2028 Summer Olympics


Michigan wins its infrastructure bet: quick work, safe bridges

Michigan celebrates 2022 with a record of 1,200 bridges and 16,000 (25,750 km) of road lane miles fixed


Taking a deep breath

The C-43 Project to Help Restore the Florida Everglades


Steinway Tower: New York salutes the world’s thinnest skyscraper

A record-setting 1,428 feet (435 metres) tall and just 57 feet (17.9 metres) wide, Manhattan’s latest tower has just unveiled its finishing touches