Sustainable development

What is Sustainable Development: meaning, examples and infrastructure


“15-Minute Cities”: The Sustainable Model for Future Metropolises

Milan, with its new metro line, Copenhagen, with its Cityringen, and Paris, with its Grand Paris Express, are among the European champions of sustainable urban planning.


Auckland: Sustainable Mobility Projects for the Future

While government statistics show record numbers of people leaving New Zealand, the City of Sails—the country's largest—continues to grow, and it is banking on metro and rail lines to sustain it


Water infrastructure: all the solutions that make the “blue gold” shine

From Snowy 2.0 to Lake Mead hydraulic tunnel: the large-scale projects that promotes sustainable development


5 circular metro lines that revolutionise urban mobility

Efficient and increasingly sustainable, these metro lines have transformed urban transportation in major cities.


Val di Lei: The Dam of the Alps that “Powered” Italy

The massive project supported Italy's miracle in the 1960s.


From Australia to Portugal, the “Water Battery” Supporting the Global Energy Transition

Pumped Hydro Energy Storage, allows for clean energy to be consumed when needed.