Towers And Skyscrapers


Italy’s Skyscrapers: Which are they? How tall are they?

Here's the ranking of the 10 Italian skyscrapers


Control towers: the tallest and most spectacular in the world

Towers shaped like Olympic braziers, birds and spaceships control airtraffic


Tokyo is undergoing a renewal

The city is undergoing major changes to its skyline with the construction of the tallest skyscraper, an urban renewal project and preparations for the Olympics


New York: More limits than the sky for new skyscrapers

The quest to build ever higher buildings in United States is slowing as preferences and practicalities change


2018: A record year for “supertall” skyscrapers

Last year, a record 18 buildings over 300 metres in height were completed


2018: A record year for “supertall” skyscrapers

Last year, a record 18 buildings over 300 metres in height were completed


Could wooden skyscrapers be the buildings of the future?

Wood is being rediscovered as a material to replace steel and concrete in the construction of high-rises


The Da Vinci Tower: a rotating skyscraper for Dubai

A 400-metres-tall skyscraper whose floors can rotate independently


Milan Aims Ever Higher

The capital of the Lombardy region is responsible for 10% of Italy's GDP